The series anime focuses on two main problems the main character, Doremi, is trying to solve. The first is the heroines' efforts to become skilled in the art of magic, and secondly the friendships and relationships between them in the human world. In the Majo-kai, the world of witches, they focus on fighting enemies, the Queen's fearful predecessor, hostile wizards, as well as completing tests. In the human world however, they use their magical talents to help those in need. Being trainees in magic, their powers often do not immediately provide a solution to their problems. In the end, the primary moral of these stories is not about power, but about kindness and compassion.
The series contains five themes. Each season has its own central theme.
Season One: Carnival, the "Magical Stage" resembles a swing carnival ride.
Season Two (#): Flowers, the "Magical Stage" shows a rose blossoming.
Season Three (Mo~tto!): Baking, the "Magical Stage" resembles a cake.
Season Four (DOKKA~N): Jewelry, the "Magical Stage" resembles a crystal.
Side-Story (Na-i-sho): Secrets; however, the "Magical Stage" is identical to that of season three, for the season's timeline runs through that of the third season.
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